Fellowships for the academic year 2023/2024 offered by the Swiss Federation via the Agency of Credits and Fellowships
Other similar offers can be found here

CERN-Fermilab 17th edition of "Hadron Collider Physics Summer Schools", targeted particularly at young postdocs and senior PhD students working towards the completion of their thesis, in both experimental HEP and phenomenology
Monday 15 August – Friday 25 August 2022 - Online Only, via Zoom
The Scientific Programme, application procedure and more details are available at: https://indico.fnal.gov/e/hcpss2022
The deadline for applications is 7 August 2022.

7th Silicon Photonics Summer School: June 20-24, at the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (C2N), University Paris-Saclay (France) offered by ePIXfab
For more information and registration: https://epixfab.eu/trainings/upcoming-trainings/epixfabs-silicon-photonics-summer-school-7th-edition/

UNICA EduLAB European Conference “Design of European degrees – Building flexible pathways beyond academic cycles”, hosted by the University of Bucharest, 26 – 27 May 2022
Registration deadlines: 16 May for onsite attendance | 23 May for online attendance

30th edition of the annual international school on particle detectors: Giornate di Studio sui Rivelatori - Scuola F. Bonaudi, Cogne (Aosta Valley, Italy), June 13-17, 2022
The school targets Ph.D. students and young post-docs willing to learn about state-of-the-art technologies and applications related to particle detectors. Lectures will be held in English.
Information and registration at http://gsr.to.infn.it/ and https://agenda.infn.it/event/31003/

11th Balkan Physical Union Congress (BPU11), Belgrade, 28 August - 1 Sept. 2022.
Satellite events: SEENET-MTP Workshop (1-4 Sept.), Theoretical Physics School for doctoral students (4-11 Sept.)
Deadline for applications: 15 May 2022

Call for postdoctoral fellowships Marie Sklodowska-Curie.
Deadline: 14 September 2022.

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