Physics of Atmosphere and Earth – Renewable Energy Sources
The direction of doctoral studies Physics of Atmosphere and Earth (PAE) – Renewable Energy Sources (RES) is formed from two directions with different areas of research, such that their syllabi are also different.

In the PAE direction you have the opportunity to become familiarized with concepts specific to Atmospheric Physics, Seismology, or Planetology and to be involved in a state-of-the-art research activity in the Faculty of Physics and in collaboration with other institutes on the Măgurele platform, in particular the National Research and Development Institute for Optoelectronics INOE200 and the National Research and Development Institute for Earth Physics.

You will be guided to perform scientific research in a wide range of areas, such as:
  • the physics of atmospheric processes, dynamic meteorology, atmospheric aerosol (prof.dr. Sabina ŞTEFAN);
  • the impact of extreme meteorological phenomena in climatology, the physics and teledetection of clouds and precipitations (C.Ş.I dr. Bogdan ANTONESCU);
  • physical causes and mechanisms of rapid climatic variations and of glacial cycles, the use of time series for identifying causal relations (prof.dr. Mihai DIMA);
  • methods of investigating environmental physics, in particular studies of the propagation of electromagnetic radiation through transparent media containing condensed suspensions (prof.dr. Valeriu FILIP);
  • the physics of the seismic source, structure and dynamics of the terrestrial crust, seismic hazard (C.Ş.I dr. Mircea RADULIAN, C.Ş.I dr. Gheorghe MĂRMUREANU);
  • the physics of the solar system, planetology, astronomic instrumentation, spatial meteorology (C.Ş.I dr. Mirel BÎRLAN);
More information on the research areas in which you can be introduced by the above-mentioned doctoral supervisors, respectively their contact data, can be found here The coordinator of the direction of doctoral studies FAP is prof.dr. Sabina ŞTEFAN

In the RES direction of studies you have the opportunity to become familiarized with concepts specific to materials and technologies with applications in renewable energies and to be involved in a state-of-the-art research activity in the Faculty of Physics, in particular in the 3Nano-SAE research center.

You will be guided to perform scientific research in a wide range of areas, such as:
  • the physics of liquid crystals, of polymers and nanoparticles, nanotechnologies for their deposition and characterization, organic laser systems (prof.dr. Valentin BARNA);
  • combustion cells, batteries, supercapacitors, methods for CO2 trapping, hydrogen storage, chemical and biological sensors (prof. dr. Ioan STAMATIN);
More information on the research areas in which you can be introduced by the above-mentioned doctoral supervisors, respectively their contact data, can be found here The coordinator of the direction of doctoral studies PAE-RES is prof.dr. Valentin BARNA
Physics of Atmosphere and Earth – Renewable Energy Sources
The direction of doctoral studies Physics of Atmosphere and Earth (PAE) – Renewable Energy Sources (RES) is formed from two directions, with different research thematics, so that the contents of the curricula for these two directions are also different.

In the PAE direction, you have the opportunity to become familiarized with concepts specific to Atmosphere Physics, Seismology, and Planetology and to become involved in research activity at the top level in the Faculty of Physics and in collaborations with other institutes on the Măgurele Platform, in particular with the National R&D Institute for Optoelectronics INOE200 and the National R&D Institute for the Earth Physics, and not only. Recently, the Faculty of Physics, through the Doctoral School of Physics, has concluded a protocol with the World Meteorological Organization, WMO, offering support for education and research in this domain

In particular, in this direction of studies you will be supervised in a wide range of research themes, such as:
  • the physics of atmospheric processes, dynamic meteorology, atmospheric aerosol (prof.dr. Sabina ŞTEFAN);
  • the impact of extreme meteorological phenomena in climatology, the physics and teledetection of clouds and precipitations (C.Ş.I dr. Bogdan ANTONESCU);
  • the physical causes and mechanisms of rapid climatic variations and of glacial cycles, identification methods of causal relations using time series (prof.dr. Mihai DIMA);
  • investigation methods of environmental physics, in particular via studies of the propagation of electromagnetic radiation in transparent media containing particulate suspensions (prof.dr. Valeriu FILIP);
  • the physics of the seismic source, the structure and dynamics of the Earth crust, seismic hazard (C.Ş.I dr. Mircea RADULIAN, C.Ş.I dr. Gheorghe MĂRMUREANU);
  • the physics of the solar system, planetology, astronomical instrumentation, spatial meteorology (C.Ş.I dr. Mirel BÎRLAN);
More information on the research areas in which you can be supervised by the above-mentioned doctoral supervisors, as well as their contact data, can be found here
The coordinator of the direction of doctoral studies PAE is prof.dr. Sabina ŞTEFAN

In the direction of studies RES you have the opportunity to become familiarized with concepts specific to materials and technologies with applications in domeniul energiilor regenerabile şi să fiţi angrenaţi într-o activitate de cercetare la cel mai înalt nivel în Facultatea de Fizică, în particular în cadrul Centrului de Cercetare 3Nano-SAE.

În particular, în cadrul acestei direcţii veţi fi îndrumaţi în activităţi de cercetare în tematici diverse, cum ar fi:
  • fizica cristalelor lichide, a polimerilor şi nanoparticulelor, nanotehnologii de depunere şi caracterizare a acestora, sisteme laser organice (prof.dr. Valentin BARNA);
  • celule de combustie, baterii, supercapacitori, metode de captare a CO2, de stocare a hidrogenului, senzori chimici şi biologici (prof. dr. Ioan STAMATIN);
Mai multe informaţii asupra ariilor tematice în care puteţi fi îndrumaţi de către conducătorii de doctorat menţionaţi, respectiv datele de contact ale acestora, le găsiţi aici
Coordonatorul direcţiei de studii doctorale FAP-SRE este prof.dr. Valentin BARNA

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