Theoretical and Computational Physics
In the direction of doctoral studies Theoretical and Computational Physics you have the opportunity to become familiarized with specific concepts and to be involved in a state-of-the-art research activity in the Faculty of Physics as well as in the institutes on the Măgurele platform, especially the Horia Hulubei National Institute for Research and Development in Physics and Nuclear Engineering, as well as in international scientific collaborations such as ATLAS.

You will be guided to perform scientific research in a wide range of areas, such as:
  • numerical modeling of classical and quantum mesoscopic systems, transport phenomena, nonlinear dynamics in multi-particle systems, phase transitions and collective phenomena in complex systems (conf.dr. Alexandru NICOLIN);
  • the study of quantum correlations, the dynamics of collective motions in atomic nuclei and metallic clusters, chaotic classical and quantum dynamics in Hamiltonian systems, the study of helicoidal light interactions with mesoscopic systems, respectively the evolution of quarks and gluons plasma at ultrarelativistic energies (prof.dr. Virgil BĂRAN);
  • the study of quantum correlations, quantum information, of Gaussian quantum channels and open quantum systems, respectively of quantum optics (C.Ş.I dr. Aurelian ISAR, prof.dr. Iulia GHIU);
  • nuclear physics and astrophysics for neutronic stars and gravitational collapse (C.Ş.I dr. Adriana RĂDUŢĂ, C.Ş.I dr. Neculai SĂNDULESCU);
  • nuclear structure, in particular pairing, quartetting correlations (C.Ş.I dr. Neculai SĂNDULESCU), spontaneous symmetry breaking and phase transitions in nuclei (prof.dr. Apolodor Aristotel RĂDUŢĂ), simple and double beta decay and applications in astrophysics (prof.dr. Apolodor Aristotel RĂDUŢĂ, C.Ş.I dr. Sabin STOICA);
  • investigations of nuclear structure in ultraintense electromagnetic fields, of the structure of exotic nuclei, respectively generalizations of many-body methods for deformed systems (C.Ş.I dr. Doru Sabin DELION);
  • studies of physical processes beyond the Standard Model and of analysis and data processing methods in high-energy physics that could support these studies (C.Ş.I dr. Sabin STOICA, C.Ş.I dr. Călin ALEXA)
More information on the research areas in which you can be introduced by the above-mentioned doctoral supervisors, respectively their contact data, can be found at aici The coordinator of the direction of doctoral studies Theoretical and Computational Physics is prof.dr. Virgil BĂRAN
Theoretical and Computational Physics
In the direction of doctoral studies Theoretical and Computational Physics you have the opportunity to become familiarized with concepts specific for this domain and to be involved in top-level research activities in the Faculty of Physics and the institutes on the Măgurele Platform, in particular the National R&D Institute in Physics and Nuclear Engineering „Horia Hulubei”, or in international scientific collaborations such as ATLAS.

You will be supervised in a wide range of research themes, such as:
  • numerical modeling of classical and quantum mesoscopic systems, transport phenomena, nonlinear dynamics in multi-particle systems, phase transitions and collective phenomena in complex systems (conf.dr. Alexandru NICOLIN);
  • study of quantum correlations, dynamics of collective motions in atomic nuclei and metallic clusters, chaotic classical and quantum dynamics in Hamiltonian systems, study of helicoidal light interactions with mesoscopic systems, evolution of quarks and gluons plasma at ultrarelativistic energies (prof.dr. Virgil BĂRAN);
  • study of quantum correlations, quantum information theory, gaussian quantum channels and open quantum systems, as well as of quantum optics (C.Ş.I dr. Aurelian ISAR, conf.dr. Iulia GHIU);
  • nuclear physics and astrophysics for neutronic stars and gravitational collapse (C.Ş.I dr. Adriana RĂDUŢĂ, C.Ş.I dr. Neculai SĂNDULESCU);
  • nuclear structure, in particular pairing and quartetting correlations (C.Ş.I dr. Neculai SĂNDULESCU), spontaneous symmetry breaking and phase transitions in nuclei (prof.dr. Apolodor Aristotel RĂDUŢĂ), simple and double beta decay and applications in astrophysics (prof.dr. Apolodor Aristotel RĂDUŢĂ, C.Ş.I dr. Sabin STOICA);
  • investigation of nuclear structure in ultraintense electromagnetic fields, of the structure of exotic nuclei, of deformed systems via many-body methods (C.Ş.I dr. Doru Sabin DELION);
  • studies of physical processes beyond the Standard Model and of analysis and data processing methods in high-energy particle physics that can support such studies (C.Ş.I dr. Sabin STOICA, C.Ş.I dr. Călin ALEXA)
More information on the research areas in which you can be supervised by doctoral supervisors in this direction of studies, as well as their contact data, can be found here
The coordinator of the direction of doctoral studies Theoretical and Computational Physics is prof.dr. Virgil BĂRAN

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