Doctoral Studies
Why study at the Doctoral School of Physics of the University of Bucharest ?
Here are some reasons:

1) Tradition
The University of Bucharest, founded in 1864, continues the higher-education tradition inaugurated in Bucureşti in 1694 by the Royal Academy (Academia Domnească), consisting initially of the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, and the Faculty of Science. The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics separated from the latter in 1948, and split off in turn in 1962 into the Faculty of Mathematics-Mechanics and the Faculty of Physics.
In 1974 the Faculty of Physics relocated at Măgurele, becoming thus part of the Physics Platform. The Faculty of Physics of the University of Bucharest is the largest of its kind in the country from the point of view of both the number of programs of studies offered to candidates/students, and the number of teaching and research staff.
The University of Bucharest has awarded the first title of Doctor in Romania in 1905 at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, over 10.000 doctoral students from 19 domains of studies receiving this title since 1905. The Doctoral School of Physics enrolls presently and awards each year about 30-35 titles of Doctor in Physics, being one of the largest doctoral schools in the university and the largest doctoral school in Physics in the Romania.

2) Excellence
An essential component of the Doctoral School of Physics of the University of Bucharest is the scientific research activity, rendered possible mainly by the opportunity of being a part of a unique academic environment at the national level: the Physics Platform at Măgurele.
This platform came into being in 1949, with the foundation of the Institute of Physics of the Romanian Academy under the leadership of acad.prof.univ.dr. Horia Hulubei, former Rector of the University of Bucharest. Presently, the Physics Platform at Măgurele operates as an integrated system of education and advanced scientific research in Physics and related domains, reuniting on a surface of about 4 km2, the Faculty of Physics of the University of Bucharest and some of the top national research & development (R&D) institutes in Romania. In addition, the Platform at Măgurele hosts the international project ELI-NP and is actively involved in collaborations with international research institutes and organizations such as CERN or the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research at Dubna.
The Doctoral School of Physics, via the Partnership concluded with the research & development institutes on the Măgurele Platform, namely:
- the National R&D Institute in Physics and Nuclear Engineering “Horia Hulubei”
- the National R&D Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics/the Institute of Space Sciences
- the National R&D Institute for Materials Physics
- the National R&D Institute for Optoelectronics
- the National R&D Institute for Earth Physics
benefits directly of a state-of-the-art research infrastructure and of the scientific expertise of well-known researchers at the international level, some of them associated to the doctoral school for doctoral supervision.

3) Opportunities
The doctoral students of the Doctoral School of Physics take advantage of all opportunities offered by the University of Bucharest, such as
- encouragement of the excellence in scientific research through the financial support granted for participations at national and international scientific meetings, conducting stages of documentation/research/doctoral studies, publication of scientific papers in top-ranked journals, allowing access to materials and equipment (by purchasing or renting) necessary in the research activity of doctoral students, etc.
- encouragement of international mobilities via programs such as Erasmus, Erasmus+, SEE or within the European Consortium CIVIS
- encouragement the participation of students in the European Doctorate (Doctor Europaeus/Europaea) program and in international cotutelle agreements
- facilitation of accommodation in student residences in the Măgurele campus, situated at about 200 m from the faculty

In addition, due to its privileged location of the Faculty of Physics on the Măgurele Platform, the doctoral students have the opportunity to join a variety of research groups from the institutes on the platform and hence to access the research infrastructure of these institutes

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