In the period 2016-2020, period taken into consideration for the accreditation of the Doctoral School of Physics, a number of 134 doctoral theses were defended.
All of them were validated by the NCAUTDC commission of the Ministry of Education; a percentage of 44% of them received the distinction Excellent32.1% being awarded the distinction Very good, while the distinctions Good and Satisfactory were received by only 19.4% and, respectively, 4.5% of the defended theses.

Exceptional results obtained by our doctoral students during the doctoral stage

  • conferral of the "Radu Grigorovici" award of the Romanian Academy on 2015 to the doctoral students Raluca Negrea and Georgia Boni, together with Cristina Chirilă, for the work on: Structural properties in oxidic epitaxial layers, nano-structures and nanocomposites
  • conferral of the "Radu Grigorovici" award of the Romanian Academy on 2016 to the doctoral student Bogdan Ostahie for the group of works on: Superradiative effect in the bidimensional phosphorene lattice in perpendicular magnetic field
  • conferral of the "Constantin Miculescu" award of the Romanian Academy on 2016 to the doctoral student Elena Florinela Manea, together with her supervisor Mircea Radulian, for the work on: Improving the shear wave velocity structure beneath Bucharest (Romania) using ambient vibrations
  • conferral of the "Ştefan Procopiu" award of the Romanian Academy on 2016 to the doctoral student Liviu Cristian Tănase for the group of works on: TCharge transfer at interfaces correlated with electronic structure, ferroic order and chemical or catalytic activity, characterized by surface investigation techniques
  • conferral of the Ad Astra "Excellence in doctoral research in Romania - Earth Science and Space Science" award on 2016 to the doctoral student Nicuşor Arsene
  • conferral of the Scholarship of the International Society of Optics and Photonics (SPIE) in 2019 to the doctoral student Simon Agota, who was Team Leader of the project HyperMed "Spin Your Thesis!" 2015 of the European Spatial Agency ESA, giving her the opportunity to conduct experiments under hipergravity conditions in ESA laboratories

Awards of the University of Bucharest conferred to our doctoral students and research groups

  • 2018: conferral of the Prize of the Senate of University of Bucharest for „The best doctoral thesis” defended in UB in the previous year in the field Exact Sciences and Engineering to the doctoral student Mihai Boni, together with his supervisor Mihail Lucian Pascu
  • 2018: conferral of the Prize of the Senate of University of Bucharest for "The research team with the scientific contribution with largest impact in society" in the field Exact Sciences and Engineering to the Research center 3Nano-SAE of the Faculty of Physics, lead by prof. Ioan Stamatin and in which a large number of doctoral students are active


"Following the Bologna Declaration, starting with 2005 the Physics Doctoral Studies programme at University of Bucharest is organized in the framework of the Physics Doctoral School. With about 70 PhD supervisors and more than 40 PhD students enrolled each year, the Physics Doctoral School is one of the biggest in the University of Bucharest, offering a high quality human expertise and research infrastructure for each of the seven directions of studies in which it is organized. A specific feature of our doctoral school is the “Educational Physics” direction, where research in both fields, Physics and Education Science is pursued. The group target for this direction are our colleagues, high-school and secondary-school Physics teachers. In the last ten years, few of them finished successfuly their PhD thesis, obtaining the title of PhD in Physics. We are very proud that this strategy, considered as “an example of good practice” at European level, leads to a stronger and fruitful collaboration between the colleagues from higher education and secondary and high schools, in the benefit of Physics education at national and international level."
ŞTEFAN ANTOHE, Professor (former Director of the Doctoral School in Physics)

"In our Doctoral School, there is a real partnership between doctoral supervisors and PhD students, the supervisors sharing with PhD students not only their experience, but also their expertise. Thus, the student can start working in the research field of his/her choice shortly after being admitted as PhD student. The supervisors assist the students to become independent scholars, and finally good researchers, by guiding and facilitating their research and publishing careers and by motivating them to participate at national and international conferences and seminars, where they can disseminate the original results related to their PhD thesis. In the Doctoral School in Physics, every PhD student is encouraged to publish as many as possible scientific papers in peer-review journals prior to defending the thesis, since such publications are a proof of a valuable and scientifically correct research activity. The main goal of PhD supervisors is to form researchers who can use methodological and operational tools in their chosen research field."

"In my opinion, the scientific knowledge provided by the Doctoral School in Physics meets the highest demands of any international PhD programme. The PhD Studies conducted in the Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, gave me the opportunity to practice also my didactic skills during the Electronics Laboratory. Also, the attended Summer Schools had a significant contribution to my thesis theme."
BOGDAN IONUŢ BIŢĂ, Junior Researcher (PhD Student since October 2014)

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